Two Stallones – Two Contenders: Round One

This article was originally written by Bradley Harmer

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The ‘last’ thing the world needs is yet another health oriented nutrition product on the shelves of every health food store in the world……or is it?
Perhaps not, what if the person behind the product happens to believe that most of the nutritional supplements on the market are just not making the grade? What if that person ‘believes’ that the consumer is constantly ‘short changed’ when it comes to the quality of these products, and deserves better?
These are just two concerns of Salvatore Stallone, the founder of the newly launched product line of Stallone’s Lifestyle Nutrients, (headquartered in Provo, Utah).
“People that consume nutritional supplements are being taken for a ride”, says Stallone. “They are trusting their health, and their family’s health, to inferior products. They are bombarded with homoginized, ( purely commercial ), claims of superior quality, never realizing that what they are putting in their bodies is actually inadequate. They are sold 5lbs. of protein for a cheap price, but don’t realize that to obtain a daily recommended allowance of it, they will have to intake 2 and 3 times the amount of what a quality product would require! I know for a fact that a product of the highest quality possible can be offered at roughly the same cost.”
Stallone, who is a life long consumer of nutritional supplements, has declared that enough is enough. “Apparently, the current providers of nutritional supplements are perfectly content with duping the public and have no problem with sub-standard development to squeeze out a dollar”, says Stallone. “It’s time someone steps up and pays proper respect to the intelligence of the consumer, and to their earnest desire for a product that produces what it claims to.”
What makes all of this especially interesting is: The launch of Stallone’s Lifestyle Nutrients comes at the same time as that of another contender in the realm of nutritional supplements, Sylvester Stallone’s Instone products.
“I have not tried Sly’s Instone products”, says Salvatore. “Actually, I have no need to now. I have set the highest standard possible regarding the quality of my new product line, and now there is no need to try anything else.” Salvatore went on to add: “The Stallone name has come to personify the best, partly due to the extremely talented persona of Sly. This is why I moved to protect the name by registering it first, in an effort to keep it that way. Sly launched his product line around the same time I was developing mine and I felt that the name needed to be protected from ad executives and their campaigns. Sly is involved in so many things, that he could become distracted, and the name would suffer. My product line is personaly supervised by me to insure that my products and the Stallone name, will continue to be trusted and respected.”
In a world of second-rate nutritional health supplements, Salvatore, like Sylvester, are placing their name on the line with confidence that their products will supercede the rest.
Realizing both of these Stallones are no strangers to nutrition, and it will be interesting to see how well they ‘battle it out’ to provide the best in nutritional products offered to the consumer!
But that will be in Round Two…….