Two Minutes To Stress Reduction And Relaxation

This article was originally written by Mark Altman

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This exercise is designed to cleanse your body of stress and tension. It’s a variation of deep breathing exercises often associated with Yoga and Meditation. If you haven’t looked into deep breathing exercises, you may want to research them, as I’m not going to go describe the technical details in this article.
The exercise:
Begin by standing in a sturdy comfortable stance, feet shoulder width apart. Breathe in deeply through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. While exhaling, try to feel the breath leaving through the soles of your feet.
For the first few exhalations, feel the toxens in your body escape through the soles of your feet. Feel cleansed oxygen and energy enter your body when you inhale.
For the next few exhalations, feel the tension and stress melt away.
As you inhale, absorb peacefullness and joy.
As you exhale, let regrets and negative thoughts about the past disappear. Allow worries about tomorrow slip away.
All that remains is the sensation of the breath entering and exiting your body.
You can inhale any positive thoughts or emotions you like. Exhale any negative feelings you may have built up during the day.
This exercise should leave you feeling invigorated and cleansed of toxens, stress and negativity.