Three Simple Steps To Becoming An Organ And Tissue Donor

This article was originally written by News Canada

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Step 1: Decide to become a potential donor.
Decide to become a potential organ or tissue donor no matter how old or
young you are. There are documented cases of a 90-year-old liver donor and a 102-year-old corneal donor.
Get the facts on organ and tissue donation and tell your family why being a donor is so important to you.
Assure your family that this discussion will make it easier for them to carry out your wishes in the future at a time when they may be overcome with emotion.
Step 2: Register or sign up to become a donor.
In Canada, the procedure to register consent for organ and tissue donation varies from province to province. Some provinces use Donor Cards or Driver’s Licences, some use Health Card stickers, several have computerized Organ Donor Registries.
Step 3: Tell your family your wishes.
Tell them why being a donor is so important to you. Discuss your decision with you family.
Step 4: Ask your family to support your decision.
If you die suddenly from a severe brain injury, your family may be approached about organ donation. In most provinces, doctors will not collect organs and tissues without the permission of the donor’s family-regardless of whether or not your desire to donate was properly registered. This is why discussing your decision with your family is such an important part of the process.
Find out how your family members feel about donating their organs so that if you ever have to make a decision on their behalf you’ll be better prepared to do so. You can send an electronic postcard to your family. Simply visit tissue/ecard/index.html
For more information on organ and tissue donation and how you can donate, visit on the Internet.