Sinusitis Resulting from Stress



When a person is stressed out they rub and blow their nose harder than usual. This may irritate the nose and lead to sinus inflammation.

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sinusitis, health, problems, cold

Life without any driving force is dull and boring. But life with too much driving force can be unpleasant and tiring and may eventually damage your health or well-being. A certain level of stress is necessary to avoid boredom but high levels of stress over a sustained period can damage your health. Too much stress can interfere with your ability to perform your work effectively. The common scenario is that there are a lot of things to do but time is so short. Although many people realize that work and lifestyle can cause stress, they often fail to recognize that the environment and the food and drink that they consume can likewise cause stress.
Stress is very common nowadays with the nature of work and standard of living that people have. Everything is fast paced and because of this people often fail to recognize signs of stress, thus, resulting to serious health problems. Stress is more than a psychological problem; it is also emotional and physical. It lowers the level of your emotional state and makes you feel depressed. The most common cause of stress in today’s highly competitive environment is job related. Having to act and perform tasks in a way that is contradictory to your value system can cause stress. For instance, a manager who works for an unethical and disreputable office will suffer a great deal of stress because his action will always contradict his value and profession. An unfriendly work environment does not only conflict with your productivity but it may also cause serious health problems and complication such as sleep apnea and thoughts of suicide among others.
When a person is stressed out not only is their immune system affected but also the neurological system, endocrine system and nervous system. Some people even rub and blow their nose harder than usual when stressed out. This may irritate the nose and lead to sinus inflammation. Repeated episodes of stress may impair the immune system leaving the body vulnerable to infectious diseases.
There are many causes of sinusitis among these are allergens and other common irritants. Specialists argue that repeated stress may result in swelling of the nasal membrane. Thus, it is important to know how to properly address stress to avoid any serious complication. Remember that stress is how you interpret the situation, not the situation itself. A knock on the door does not make you ill; your anticipation that the person might be your exceedingly difficult and inhospitable mother-in-law is what does it.