Metabolife With Ephedra, Metabolife 356 Review

This article was originally written by Joe Rodriguez

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Metabolife356 is another one of the “old ephedra products” that people used to achieve their weight loss goals. The sale of Metabolife 356 through independant distributors and mall kiosks placed ephedra among other mainstream supplements.
Key ingredients in Metabolife 356:
Proprietary Blend 728 mg
Guarana Concentrate (seed) – (40 mg naturally-occurring caffeine)
Ma Huang Concentrate (aerial part) – (12 mg naturally- occurring ephedrines)
Bee Pollen
Ginseng (root)
Ginger (root)
Bovine Complex
Damiana (leaf)
Sarsaparilla (root)
Goldenseal (aerial part)
Nettles (leaf)
Gotu Kola (aerial part)
Spirulina Algae
Royal Jelly
Other Ingredients: Methocel, Silica, Croscarmellose Sodium, Magnesium Stearate
Vitamin E 6 i.u. 20% Daily Value
Magnesium (as Magnesium Chelate) 75 mg 18% Daily Value
Zinc (as Zinc Chelate) 5 mg 33% Daily Value
Chromium (as Chromium Picolinate) 75 mcg 62% Daily Value
Metabolife 356 was especially popular among women because it provided a lower dose of ephedra per serving. It was a lighter ephedra product that worked to take the weight off without giving the jittery, nervous feeling associated with some of the more popular ephedra products among men that contained twice as much ephedra per serving.
If you have been looking for Metabolife356 without success, try new Trim-S. This product works just like the old Metabolife 356. Gain the energy and lose the weight with Trim-S. You will not be disappointed!