This article was originally written by Mangi Sano

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Proper nutrition and health affects and defines the health
of all people. It helps us grow, develop, work, play, and
resist infections. Malnutrition makes people more
vulnerable to disease and premature death.
What is nutrition? Nutrition is the process of getting the
right kind of food that is needed by the organism for a
proper growth and development. While poverty is the cause
for malnutrition in the developing countries, stress of work
has led to neglecting the basic requirement for health in
the developed countries. Our daily hectic life does not
allow us to take time and think of what we should eat. We
live in a world dominated by schedules and every aspect of
our existence is subordinated to that. This has serious
impact on our health. In order to lead a healthy life you
need to correct your eating habits.
A balance diet with a mixture of nutrients is essential for
our bodies. Nutrients are the substance found in foods
that provide nourishment for the body. Proper nutrition
gives our body the necessary energy to carry out our daily
activities without taxing our bodies mentally or
physically. A balanced diet enables us to have a shapely
body with the appropriate amount of body fat and muscle.
Nutritional disorders occur when we don’t ingest the
correct amount of nutrients.
Nutrients are divided into two groups: macronutrients and
micronutrients. The first groups include proteins, fats,
some minerals, water and carbohydrates and they are needed
on a daily basis and in large quantities. Micronutrients are
also required daily but in small quantities. They consist of
vitamins and some minerals that allow the body to use
macronutrients. There are some guidelines for a healthy diet
but it is important to know that nutritional requirements
depend on many factors such as age, weight, sex, height and
physical activities.
Choosing foods that contain a low percentage of saturated
fat is recommended for eating healthy. Foods low in
saturated fats help the body decrease the cholesterol level.
A gradual decrease in saturated fats is recommended. Also,
incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet helps
build up the fiber level.
Remove most breads, cereal, rice and pasta and replace them
with fruits and vegetables. You should add cheese, milk,
yogurt, meat, poultry, beans, eggs and nuts in small
quantities. Fats, oils and sweets should be kept to a
minimum. If you follow a healthy balanced diet, you can
live a more productive and healthy life.