I Longed To Get Rid Of My Man Boobs… Then It Happened



I longed to get rid of my man boobs… I had lived with man boobs for the first 32 years of my life… and I was FED UP! 32 years is a long time… I only wish someone would have shared with me what I am going to reveal to you in the next few minutes. It would have saved me years of humiliation and years of feeling like I was the only one on the planet who had this problem.

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This article deals with
man boobs, how to get rid of man boobs, exercise for man boobs

Copyright 2006 Trey Patrick
I longed to get rid of my man boobs… I had lived with man boobs for the first 32 years of my life… and I was FED UP! 32 years is a long time…
I only wish someone would have shared with me what I am going to reveal to you in the next few minutes. It would have saved me years of humiliation and years of feeling like I was the only one on the planet who had this problem.
Feel like your alone? There are some studies that show 1 out of every 3 men… deal with man boobs in some degree… I know you wouldn’t believe it because all you see is the guys with the flat chest…
But do you think that the guys with man boobs are walking around showing them off? Do you? All my life I have had fat in my chest area.
Not real huge… I didn’t need a bra or anything but they were definitely noticeable in my shirts. When I was growing up, I was a little overweight so that’s what I chalked it up to…
‘One day I’ll lose weight and they’ll go away’, I said. They didn’t…
I’ll never forget all the times I sat on the ‘sideline of life’ and missed out because I wouldn’t take off my shirt… Pool parties that I avoided like the plague. ‘Spend-the-night parties’ I made darn sure I was too busy for. For most kids, the beach and the pool brought laughter and excitement… But for me…
It brought drudgery… I hated those days. I was so self-conscious… so embarrassed. Always pulling on the front of my shirt or wearing two shirts… Always coming up with some lame excuse. ‘I’m sunburned… that’s why I’m leaving my shirt on’…
No, those were not happy days. And I thought all this would end when I got older… It didn’t.
I still had my man boobs and couldn’t get rid of them…
The other day, I was looking at the pictures of back then… One picture brought back a flood of memories…
We were at the lake and I had just gotten out of the water after skiing. My girlfriend (now my wife) reached to take a picture of me and my hand automatically goes up and combs through my hair because this would flatten out my chest until she took the picture. It worked. But…
What a sad way to live. It truly was miserable…
I went on the hunt… I looked at every site on ‘losing the man boobs’… not a lot of valuable material.
Being an ex-cop and a deputy coroner for 12 years… I had some the ‘CSI investigator’ in me. I went on the hunt for what was out there that would help…
I bought several courses and ebooks online. I chatted on message boards with others to find out the best ways they got rid of the man boobs- and which ones were total crap!
I looked for what really worked and kept hearing great things about one course that I downloaded online. I was reading it in minutes… Like I said, a lot of the other ones were scams, rip-offs or just plain crap- but this one seemed to work really, really well.
The popularity of this huge ebook seemed to grow without much advertising but with a lot of discussion online about what was working for the guys losing weight.
I lost my weight… It’s not just about the diet but also the exercise… You won’t find any extremes… just solutions.
Hope this helps… I’ll see you at the beach… I finally enjoy going.